Category: 12 Days Of Migraine Miracle

12 Days of Migraine Miracle — Days 6 and 7

Happy Mindfulness Monday! Our sixth and seventh shares relate to mindfulness. First, it’s Michael Singer’s book, “The Untethered Soul” found here on Amazon: And a beautiful, hand-lettered journal to record your thoughts and inspirations from etsy: Don’t miss anymore content like this! Join our free, private Facebook group.

12 Days of Migraine Miracle Product Shares – Day 1

We’re going to share 12 Migraine Miracle-approved products that you’ll want on your holiday wish list. Today’s is an encapsulated olive oil “caviar” which is great for topping (and adding fat to) fish, soups, etc. They come in flavors also (basil, chili, truffle) but we’re hooked on the naturally fruity olive oil. Here’s one place […]